The next supplement for When the Moon Hangs Low is now available on DriveThruRPG, in both PDF and print-on-demand format.

The Lost and the Fallen is a guide to Lost Hunters; those tragic souls who have succumbed to their curse and become just as dangerous as the monsters they once hunted. Driven by strange desires and abhorrent instincts, Lost Hunters are a threat to both other hunters and the citizens of Harrowmire.
Inside you will find 14 templates that can be combined to quickly create unique and dangerous Lost Hunters for your players to encounter, either as random encounters or the focus of a contract.
The book also contains information on the Bloodhounds: a new faction who specifically deal with Lost Hunters. Equipped with strange weapons and powerful alchemical items, the Bloodhounds and a macabre and reclusive group shunned by other hunters.
Lastly, the supplement contains rules and information on a threat even greater than Lost Hunters: the Fallen. These former hunters have embraced their curse rather than being lost to it, and in doing so have become powerful and terrifying creatures that rule over small pocket-dimensions hidden within the fabric of the Cursed City. The Fallen are intended to be powerful ‘boss’ antagonists which a group could spend a campaign hunting down.
There is also a short adventure included, to introduce a group of hunters to Lost Hunters, the Bloodhounds, and finally one of the Fallen themselves!