It’s a little over a month since the Kickstarter successfully completed, and things are now in motion.
Omercan, Gabriel, and Will are hard at work producing the artwork and soundtrack. They been sending me updates on their work, and everything is looking great!
Meanwhile I’ve been laying out the new additions to the book, writing up some new Edges, and making a few amends here-and-there. I’ve also been in communication with the backers who picked up the creator tiers to discuss their contributions. Everything I’ve seen so far has been great, I’m really looking forward to adding the new Marks, NPCs, and monsters to the book for everyone else to see.
Regarding new content, I thought I’d give you a summary of the new marks I’m adding to the book (the creator ones will remain secret for now). Previously available on Discord, these four new Marks have had some playtesting and undergone some tweaks before being added to the official fold.
Hunters with the Seared Mark have been touched by a supernatural fire, a spark of which still burns within them. While this allows them to control fire, it also curses them with burning passions that will slowly consume both them and those around them.
The Ragged Mark is the result of cruel experiments and diabolical surgeries, turning those hunters that bear it into amalgams of body parts stolen from graveyards. Able to draw knowledge from their disparate pieces, these hunters are cursed with slowly failing bodies that require constant upkeep.
Shadowed hunters bear a Mark born of the raw stuff of darkness. While able to manifest a duplicate composed of shadow to help them, these poor souls will slowly transform into living shadows themselves.
Lastly the Verdant Mark turns hunters into plant-human hybrids. Gifted with the ability to cause plants to undergo a burst of growth, this Mark also curses its bearer to slowly transform into an inhuman avatar of death and decay.
You can see some of the initial sketches for these hunters below, courtesy of Omercan.
A cartographic thankyou
As the original PDF version of When The Moon Hangs Low went gold on DriveThruRPG during the Kickstarter campaign, I decided to commission some additional content for the book to celebrate. This takes the form of a new map of Harrowmire by Ennie-winning RPG cartographer Saga MacKenzie. She’s done an amazing job and I can’t wait to see how this looks in print. Take a look below to see.
Thanks for reading, I’ll update you all on the progress in a month!