The next supplement for When the Moon Hangs Low is now available on DriveThruRPG, in both PDF and print-on-demand format. The Lost and the Fallen is a guide to LostContinue readingThe Lost and the Fallen
Blessed are the Faithful
Greetings hunters! I’m pleased to announce that a new supplement for When the Moon Hangs Low is now available at DriveThruRPG. Blessed are the Faithful contains information on both theContinue readingBlessed are the Faithful
The Hunter’s Guide
If you want more options for your hunters, check out the Hunter’s Guidebook by our friends over at the Black Orifice. Inside you will find a range of character options,Continue readingThe Hunter’s Guide
Shadows of Bishopsgate, Now Available!
The first supplement for When the Moon Hangs Low is now available as a pay-what-you-want PDF on DrivethruRPG! Shadows of Bishopsgate is a depthcrawl adventure that takes your hunters deepContinue readingShadows of Bishopsgate, Now Available!
The Print Edition is now Available!
Kickstarter backers should receive two emails very shortly containing the links to purchase your physical copies of When the Moon Hangs Low. If you don’t receive your email please contactContinue readingThe Print Edition is now Available!
The Official Game Soundtrack
Did you know When the Moon Hangs Low has its own official soundtrack? Containing seven spine-chilling tracks composed by Will McGinnigle, the soundtrack takes the listener from the Shambles, throughContinue readingThe Official Game Soundtrack
When the Moon Hangs Low Kickstarter Edition Now Available
The Kickstarter edition is now available to purchase in PDF format on DriveThruRPG! Find it here. It’s filled with new marks, new monsters, new edges, and soon to be availableContinue readingWhen the Moon Hangs Low Kickstarter Edition Now Available
March Update: the PDF is ready!
The final pieces of art were sent to me last week, I spent the weekend formatting everything and making some last-minute layout tweaks, and I’m pleased to say the digitalContinue readingMarch Update: the PDF is ready!
February Update: Videos and Covers
February’s a short month, but even so it seems to have shot past for me. I’ve now finished the last few layout tweaks I need to make, and the bookContinue readingFebruary Update: Videos and Covers
January Update: Marks, Art, and Games
The first month of 2023 draws to a close and marks the halfway point of this Kickstarter! April is still the deadline for the printed edition being ready for youContinue readingJanuary Update: Marks, Art, and Games